Building an organization effectively by "getting the Right People on the Bus"  with Data and Science

Especially when you have dispersed teams, it is critical to understand the suitability of your people. A multitude of bad people outcomes results in any organization when these things are misunderstood or assumed - these are all magnified with remote teams.  

When you have an inaccurate understanding of one's motivations, you attribute things to them that are false and start seeing things that aren't there losing trust. There are few things as destructive to a relationship than misunderstanding ones stressors and stress reactions. Behavioral Scientists have definitively proven that excessive stress causes us to flip to the opposite of our strongest behaviors which can cause great misunderstanding and mistrust if not understood. Misunderstanding belief systems, attitudes, preferences and other factors is a major barrier to effective teams and to effective leadership.

In this video, one of the most successful of the Inc5000 CEOs the last few years, discusses this in some detail and how he uses a behavioral suitability assessment to achieve better outcomes.


Improve Results with Engagement


360 Feedback with Validated Behavioral Data:  Improving the old 360 process Immensely!