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High Performing Teams Through Actionable Understanding

If you have built a highly effective team before, then you know that it is a challenging effort requiring consistent effort, skill and finesse. Although once accomplished, the effort is often highly rewarding, as high performing team often produce 150% to 250% better results (on revenues, profits, goal achievement…)

In our team building programs, we've found, by using an effective data-driven process, we can help facilitate the creation of high performing teams while giving them the tools to maintain it, As part of doing this, we've also found we can help increase their ability to lead inclusively, and deal with both unpredictability and ambiguity.


When we ask teams to do the exercise individually below, we find a wide variance on nearly all teams (often unexpected). We also find that it is an effective tool to facilitate a discussion to achieve a consensus on where the opportunities and threats lie. One of the most common results is the convergence on the need to focus on self and team awareness.


Think through the ideal levels of the following and rate them from 1 to 9  where 1 (ONE) is  Really Bad, 3 is Rather Poor, 4 is OK, 7 is Ideal, 8 is A Bit Too Much and 9 is Over the top/Way Overdone


With many, there is a stigma attached to the subject of team building programs because many are designed with the objective of being fun and social but with little demonstrated lasting value. There is nothing wrong with fun and social for a holiday party, but investing time with your team can and should build the foundation for success and not just be a fun kick-off.

Here we discuss how team building should be  laying the foundation for team performance.


Many teams reach a level of high performance, for a time, but then backslide, taking a long time to regain it and then they invariably backslide again. With dispersed and hybrid teams, this is even more common. 

In this video discussion, we introduce the two team paradoxes  and discuss how to diminish the level  backsliding by having the fundamentals in the place.

How do you develop and maintain high performing teams, especially with those that are dispersed and remote?

It's about making sure you have a strong foundation built on actionable understanding of self, team members and purpose. 

In this video discussion, we explain the process for achieving actionable understanding.

Developed initially as a way to improve team effectiveness by creating a lasting improvement in self-awareness, the ATP program builds on improved accurate self-awareness to create team awareness, shared values, shared vision and more effective conflict resolution and problem solving.

This provides the foundation for clarity of purpose and vision.

In this video discussion, we overview how the process works so you can understand how it could be used to impact your key teams.