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 The Agile Growth Leader Program


Not Just a Tool but a Process for developing the leaders who can deal with uncertainty, volatility and ambiguity and succeed - Growth Leader!

  • Integrated reports and debrief

  • Action planning system with hundreds of development resources

  • Option to be facilitated by coach or manager

  • A Re-assessment and improvement analysis after 6 to 12 months

  • Helps develop Growth Leaders who can lead, develop and inspire others

  • Uses the validated Growth Leadership Assessment developed by the Center for Growth Leadership

Self Awareness and then Team Awareness are the critical "soft" stuff that are most often overlooked. It is the lack of these things that causes billions of dollars of loss. Lost productivity, disengagement, poor choices and misguided efforts are all contributors. There are now scientific, proven processes for addressing these effectively and efficiently.

“Most people know what they are good at. They are usually wrong. More often, people know what they are not good at—and even then more people are wrong than right. And yet, a person can perform only from strength. One cannot build performance on weaknesses, let alone on something one cannot do at all.”

— Peter F. Drucker

The Remote360 helped me understand my hidden strengths and uncovered blind spots in how I lead my team and I interact with others. The tools available to create a development plan make it easy to follow through on action items. Feedback from senior leaders in a development program that I facilitate indicate this is one of the best parts of their cohort experience in that it improves self-awareness, accountability, and ultimately, their leadership skills.
— Executive, USA Fortune 200 Insurance Corporation
The assessment itself is very powerful because it’s very real, it’s very personal, it’s very relevant. And if you combine that with some structured learning, we believe that you can get a big impact in terms of really directing these behavioral shifts. Coaching and feedback is extremely important to our organization as relates to our people managers.
— CLO, MasterCard