360 Feedback with Validated Behavioral Data:  Improving the old 360 process Immensely!

Gathering feedback on how your behaviors and communications are perceived is crucial. It's also important how that information is used and how it is put into context. Thousands of organizations do 360s. These systems are constructed to be easy to use and administer and to produce colorful graphical reports. Are they effective?  Frequently, there is a missed opportunity to make this data far more impactful. This can be done by combining it with a validated behavioral assessment. With it, you not only get perspective on how you are perceived (and how others want to relate that information to you) but also why you are perceived that way. What are the natural tendencies, motivations, attitudes, beliefs and preferences that result in these perception? Also what impact does stress have? Many get confusing information because peers or direct reports may recall times of great stress. When one is under much stress, you flip to the opposite of your strongest behaviors, so, for example a very pleasing, diplomatic person may flip to being blunt under a lot of stress and then when relieved, flip back. A validated behavioral assessment that provides metrics on these paradoxes will greatly help and clarify your understanding increasing accurate self and team awareness.  

In this video,  we clarify how the behavioral assessment data improves the feedback process.


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