We define AGILE, in the organizational context, as the observed capability to clearly and accurately understand (actionable understanding) the situation (external and internal environments) AND use the understanding to rapidly adapt AND act appropriately and often optimally,  even in volatile and unpredictable environments.

Adaptive Capacity


The capacity of teams and organizations to adjust to major unpredictable crises and challenges, to pursue relevant opportunities and respond to threats and consequences.

Actionable Understanding

Actionable understanding is a term, long used by the US military in officer training, to refer to a comprehensive and pragmatic understanding of the internal and external environments including the purpose, goal, strategies and operational tactics.  In times of crisis, it enables maximum flexibility to execute without having to go up the chain of command for decisions so that those in the action can share/collaborate/coordinate/execute.    We use the term similarly but with the emphasis on having an accurate, comprehensive and actionable "read" on  self  (self-knowledge and awareness), team, focus as well as on the external environment.  Similarly with it,  a team can reach high levels of performance and move most effectively on a trajectory towards their goals



  • Navigating Paradoxes

  • Actionable Understanding

  • Maximizing Time in the "Flow Zone"

  • GROWTH: Learning, Growing Others and innovating

  • Strength-focused (Individually and Across the Team)

  • Adaptive Capacity

Agile Growth Leadership

Leveraging the Right Mindsets, Behaviors and Capabilities

Mindset: You insist you need a drill, but what you really need is a hole.
— Mike Marchi
Human Nature: “No amount of upfront planning can outsmart, or completely prepare you for, Nature.
— Rick Waters
Agile is not your goal—it’s only the best way to achieve your goals.
— Zuzana Šochová

Successful organizations have cultures in which evidence-based decision making is the norm rather than the exception.”

Ray Dalio 

“People don’t change because you want them to change, people change when they’re ready to change. So, understanding why, and when, and how people change is probably the biggest thing you can learn.”

Ron Quarte

“You can’t allow tradition to get in the way of innovation. There’s a need to respect the past, but it’s a mistake to revere your past.”

Bob Iger, Disney Chairman

Leadership Effectiveness is Increasingly tied to the Capabilities of Thinking Agility, Results Agility and Leading Learning (Change)

Agile is not your goal—it’s only the best way to achieve your goals.

Zuzana Šochová


Informal Networks
Understand Roles

Talent Stategy